
The mission of the Mathematics Department of M.S. 390 is to instill a passion for learning mathematics, provide foundational skills necessary in their further studies, and develop a strong body of students who will be competitive citizens
Our courses follow an integration of curricula stemming from the New York State syllabus, the Common Core Standards, the Expeditionary Learning, EngageNY, and the CMP (Connected Mathematics Projects). Within each course of study, develop their reasoning skills, construct logical arguments, and model and understand real-world mathematical applications and apply those principles in problem solving and to real-life situations.

Within each course, students integrate the use of technology and transition successfully to any high school Algebra I course. Students are recommended for placement into math courses at each grade level. The major strands include problem solving, number concepts, ratio, proportion and percent, probability and statistics, algebra and geometry, and measurement and computer/technology awareness.