June 2024 M.S. 390 Newspaper
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M.S. 390 Newspaper
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M.S. 390 is a school dedicated to ensure our students excel in every subject specially in ELA and Math. We make sure that students get prepared for high school. We embrace technology as a tool that can help the students to be engaged and motivated with education. All the students that attend M.S. 390 are assigned an iPad and laptop. They get access to valuable apps that help them work in Math and ELA in school and at home.
We make sure our students get ready for a demanding world.
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Please visit our new staff and student technology support/resources page. Click on the URL below:
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M.S. 390 is a school dedicated to ensure our students excel in every subject specially in ELA and Math. We make sure that students get prepared for high school. We embrace technology as a tool that can help the students to be engaged and motivated with education. All the students that attend M.S. 390 are assigned an iPad and laptop. They get access to valuable apps that help them work in Math and ELA in school and at home.
We make sure our students get ready for a demanding world.
The goal of our Dual Language Program at M.S. 390 is to graduate students who are fully bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural so they can be competitive citizens in our diverse society. They meet high expectations by performing academically at levels equivalent to their peers in monolingual classes.
Through the instruction of two languages (English and Spanish), students develop academic proficiency in most subjects – Native Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Multimedia Design. They demonstrate growth in first and second language development in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.